venerdì 2 dicembre 2016

Postcards from Vallo di Diano – Atena Lucana

As also testified by the pre-Roman megalithic walls that enclosed the old residential area, Atena Lucana is the most ancient village of the Vallo di Diano.

It was a flourishing commercial area of the Magna Grecia under the control of the Greeks, with the Lucani its fortune grew and assumed a predominant role in the valley.
Although, it was during the Roman age, when it was known as Campus Atinas, that it expanded. The Roman town had numerous public buildings, among them a paved Forum stood out, this was a prerogative of considerably important towns at the time. The ruins of this Forum and the ones of an inscription of the names of two “quattroviri” (Roman magistrates) were found in 1890 beneath the Santa Maria Maggiore Church, the same place where the Forum rose.
The Saracen raids demolished the town and changed its structure.

Among the several feudatory families who followed one another since the Middle age, the Sanseverino, before, and the Caracciolo, after, were the ones who maintained their domain until the abolition of feudalism.

To visit:
Santa Maria Maggiore Church, preserves numerous and prestigious artworks, including some of Nicola Peccheneda;
San Ciro Sanctuary;
Maria SS. della Colomba Sanctuary, contains works signed by Anselmo Palmieri;
The various Baronal Palaces, Palazzo Spagna with his characteristic portal;
The Archeological Museum, preserves copious relics from the ancient and glorious past of the town.

Testi / Written by : Antonella Granata
Traduzioni / Translated by : Nico William Marrone

martedì 20 settembre 2016

Postcards from Vallo di Diano


The Vallo di Diano, located in the southern area of Salerno, is an outstandingly fascinating territory, it contains history, nature, folklore, traditions and hospitality.

This valley was born from a Pleistocene lake, it is surrounded by mountains, including the Mount Cervati, the tallest peak in Campania; while the Tanagro is the river which flows through the valley.
The activity of the water has transformed the shape of the territory and has influenced the lives of the inhabitants of the area, settled here since extremely remote times.

The valuable artistic and monumental patrimony, held by all of the towns of the valley, has made it possible for the territory to become a “centre of interest”, with the necessary territorial protection in order to preserve its uniqueness.

Actually, from 1998, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, an assurance of its beauty.
From the earliest ages to the present day we will tell you everything about this territory and its patrimony so as to let you know all it has to offer.

Testi / Written by : Antonella Granata

Traduzioni / Translated by : Nico William Marrone

giovedì 11 agosto 2016

Dottor Vallo - 1° quiz-foto contest del Vallo

L'Associazione ILOVD organizza il primo foto-quiz a tema Vallo di Diano.
Seguendo la pagina ufficiale dell'associazione "Vallo di Diano" ogni giorno, dal 16 al 25 agosto, si potrà partecipare al divertente quiz.
Potrete infatti provare ad indovinare in quale Comune valdianese sia stata immortalata la foto, e testare le vostre conoscenze sulla nostra amata terra.
La persona che avrà risposto più velocemente, commentando la fotografia giornaliera, si aggiudicherà la "giornata" ed infine chi avrà indovinato in più giornate sarà decretato Vincitore.
Egli sarà premiato insieme ai fotografi che hanno partecipato al Challenge su Instagram con un premio a sorpresa.
Appuntamento allora insieme ad Ilovd, per testare la vosr